The Gift of Completeness

The Gift of Completeness | Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
Words + Breathwork from her book First Breath, Last Breath.

Affirmations work much the same way as visualizations, in the sense that you don’t have to actually believe what you are affirming for it to be effective. You can affirm something like “I AM LOVE,” even when you don’t really think you are. Deep down, at the soul level, you actually are love. Gradually, this statement will become more of a reality as it helps you connect to the love that lives in your deeper self.

This is important because people on a spiritual path are hungry to know their true beauty, and so they may feel that they are somehow incomplete. Spiritual hunger can turn into unworthiness, or the feeling that you are just not good enough.

Thoughts of unworthiness infect the body and close the heart, and so they prevent you from feeling the shakti that you need on a spiritual path. To be able to receive the shakti of the Mother and use it in the fullest way possible, you must conquer the deep feeling of unworthiness.

Here is an example of how to use an affirmation with the breath:

Breathe in through the top of the head and feel the breath
drop to the middle of the chest.

Meanwhile, internally say these words with a deep conviction:
I am complete within myself just the way I am.

Continue to say these words while you are holding (retaining) your breath.
Hold as long as comfortable. Don’t strain.

Let the breath go out, horizontally, from the heart. As the breath goes out, say:
I am complete, I am complete.

Keep breathing in through the top of your head and out through your heart.
Do this over and over until your heart tells you to stop.

To learn more about Sacred Kashi, the ashram founded by Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, please click here.
For more Breathwork + Mantra Exercises, consider purchasing First Breath, Last Breath, via the Subtle-Arts Bookshop.


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