“We need to look at the subtle, the hidden and the unspoken and bring it all to light.”
Sooooo...the Universe brought us together. We were given assigned seats next to each other in seventh-grade World Geography and quickly developed a deep friendship. While we are very like-minded and connected on a soul level, we have unique skill sets and perspectives. Eerily similar auras keep our energies in alignment - seeing the same things from different angles. Even though we haven’t lived in the same city since high school, this connection has never been broken.
Your heart and my heart are very old friends. - Hafiz
Subtle-Arts was formed in August of 2021 after a magical trip to Asheville, NC for a Trevor Hall concert on one of Connie’s milestone birthdays. On the drive, Connie told Lisa that she was considering a new website for her therapy practice. Through the conversation, she realized she had a unique opportunity to offer so much more than a simple contact page and access to her therapy scheduler. Together, inspired by the concert and our experiences in Asheville, we conceived of a website that could provide hope and inspiration for anyone, anytime; allowing Connie to share healing practices outside the four walls of her office and giving Lisa a chance to share all the beauty in her mental archive. The content we have culled together already existed in our thoughts, Pinterest boards and social media timelines. We have partnered on thought experiments and explored our shared interests since we first met. We bonded over looking for signs in our worlds - proof of the magic we felt inside. This site is a repository of all the good things we have found and applied both together and in our individual lives.
In our quests to determine how to share with the world, how to utilize our skills, knowledge and curiosity to make the world a better place, it became apparent how much more we could offer together. And from there, it became apparent how much more we could offer if we collected thoughts, experiences and wisdoms from some of the incredible people we call colleagues, mentors, coworkers and friends.
We seek to raise the vibration.
We strive to deepen our levels of consciousness. We maintain the awareness that the more you learn, the more you realize you still do not know. While we may all be experts on something, no one person can be an expert on everything, not even the human condition and the human experience. To live deeply, we must always have a beginner's mind. We must always be seeking, learning, growing, sharing.
Subtle-Arts seeks to establish a “consciousness collective” between ourselves and our audience. While we all have different backgrounds and experiences, there is no denying the collective unconscious and the sheer fact that we are connected - beautiful and flawed - because we are all human. The collective human experience has an unconscious influence on each of our lives. We live out patterns, act out archetypes, feel the same pleasures and pain, but we tend to view our experiences individually, packaging our lives as our own and separate from the rest. Until you accept universal truths, you might just think that life is hard; that the “struggle is real” or that the world is just an unfriendly place.
We have good news and bad news for you. You are not alone. There is very little that is unique or special about your problems. That’s why letting them go is so liberating.
Once we make the subconscious conscious, we begin to gain control. Control over ourselves and our thinking and the way we view ourselves in relation to the world. Not at a toxic level, but at the level where we gain the ability to choose and to evaluate our own relationship with these myths to determine whether or not the meaning we’ve made of past events is accurate enough to dictate how we continue to see ourselves and to live in this world.
Let’s become conscious together. Let’s question our “truths” and begin to live in knowing response rather than reflexive reaction. Let’s gain the grounding and stability that can give us the strength to lift everyone around us up at the same time. Let us live in abundance, find and share our gifts…