there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you...
— Maya Angelou
Connie Worthy here…
I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Jacksonville, FL. I am honored to collaborate on this project with my life-long best friend and we are both so excited that you are here, reading this, right now…
While our hope is that Subtle-Arts will help increase access to much needed self-care and self-healing techniques, the information you find here is in absolutely no way a substitute for professional counseling. Please always seek the advice of your own medical and/or mental health providers with any questions you may have. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen or read on this (or any) website!
If and when you would like to take a deeper dive or feel something bubbling up that you’d like professional help in processing, here is a link to Psychology Today’s directory: a great resource if you are not yet connected with a provider.
Psychology Today lists clinical professionals, psychiatrists and treatment centers that provide mental health services in the US and internationally.
Know that help is out there! If you try one therapist, but don’t feel like it’s a great fit, don’t give up. We’re all just people - and no one person is for everyone. Make sure you feel safe enough to communicate your needs and speak honestly with your provider if you find something is or isn’t working for you. Therapy is a collaborative process, and the more insight you can provide, the more your treatment can be tailored specifically to your needs.
I hope each of you finds what I did - that therapy is a beautiful, magical, sacred space.