Subtle-Arts Exercise | SANKALPA

Photo by Wes Hicks

Lie down in a comfortable way, making sure there are no tensions anywhere in your body…

Take three deep breaths, focusing on the way the breath floods your body with prana, or life-force on the inhales…the way the breath softens your mind on the exhales.

Imagine being somewhere where you remember feeling seen, happy, safe and relaxed. After a few breaths, begin the process of relaxing your physical body, counting your exhales down from 7 to 1. On your next exhale, count 7. In and then out, count 6. Inhale, then exhale, 5…keep going.

As you reach 1, repeat something you would like to “be.” Manifest what you would like to happen - something that you know you are already capable of doing, something that is already taking up energetic space in your present moment.

State this as your SANKALPA, repeating it 9 times or more…for example:

I am healing myself.
I am moving past this tough situation with grace.
I am filled with love and compassion for myself and others.
I am attracting the right community for what my soul needs right now.

Once you finish repeating the sankalpa, begin counting your inhales up from 1 to 5. On your next inhale, count 1. Out and in, count 2. Exhale, inhale 3…keep going.

Reaching 5, flutter your eyes open and welcome yourself to a new moment, perhaps repeating your mantra one more time before bringing any movement to your body.

Let it be.

— Subtle-Arts


Lion’s Gate Affirmations


Grounding Meditation