Lion’s Gate Affirmations

via Threads of Fate

In this potent, celestial time for expansion, keep these affirmations on the tip of your tongue and on loop in your brain.

Choose 5-10 and write them down in a place you can see them often. Consider putting each one you choose on a post-it note and scatter them throughout your space! Repeat them to yourself as much as possible and watch how your mind shifts and your vibrational energy becomes more expansive!

It’s already mine
I am the main character in my life
I am beyond capable
I expand into myself with each passing moment
I am deserving
I am dedicated to my craft
I love learning about myself and the world around me
Everything is happening for me
My life is brimming with abundance
I embody the shining elements of Leo and the Sun
I move through challenges easily and gracefully
I embrace my shortcomings and transmute them into opportunities
I find the mysteries of life exciting
Magic is always brewing
I am constantly shedding and evolving
I welcome change as it brings new opportunities
I am the ultimate creator and architect of my life
I make time to enjoy the fruits of my labor
I am blossoming and unfurling
I am fearless


Relationship to Self / Self-Talk


Subtle-Arts Exercise | SANKALPA