Slow Like Honey…

This beautiful, grounding practice was shared by Jane Burtt, a member of our collective…

”I started an online program in order to better recognize and cleanse my own energy. I've found that motherhood is a new challenge in self-care for me, and I so badly want to be a great mom to my daughter. This requires that I recognize when I'm burnt out, and that I claim space and time to recharge and care for myself. Reclaiming that connection to my body and breath is essential for me. Working to incorporate breath and energy awareness into my daily routine, I've started using a grounding practice on the car ride home after dropping my daughter at school. I breathe and imagine honey slowly flowing downward, over me, and into the ground, rooting down and connecting with Mother Earth energy. Sometimes the column of honey transforms into a sturdy tree trunk. Sometimes, I simply feel the pull of gravity; focusing my awareness on the feeling of my legs and back against the seat. I imagine it is the earth grounding and hugging me. I breathe in the healing energy, and I breathe out my frustrations, fears and pain. 

As a mother, I'm working on finding a better way to be during those moments when the preschooler tantrums frazzle my nerves and I react out of irritation and low reserves. I'm starting to learn more about conscious parenthood. And though that's always been part of my parenting model, I feel like every new phase brings opportunities for learning more. 

I find when I sloooooow down with my daughter, and really tune in and hear her more…marvel at her thoughts and interests…get on her level…ask more questions…take a more intentional interest in what she's doing or pondering…we flow together with so much more ease. But, I have to have the energy reserves to be able to get to this level of presence with her. I know I have to prioritize self-care practices and carve out time for myself…realizing it totally goes hand in hand.”

Honey Meditation

Use a sweet technique like the one Jane describes whenever you need to consciously ground yourself or slow your reactivity to the inevitable hassles and frustrations of modern life. All this requires is a few moments of quiet and stillness.

Along with a little imagination…

Adjust your physical body so that you are sitting or lying in a way that feels comfortable. This can be on your living room floor, the front seat of your car, or your chair at work. Take time to prioritize your comfort in a nice quiet place, so you can really receive the full benefit of this grounding practice. Start by visualizing your breath flowing in and out. First just noticing with appreciation that it flows effortlessly all the time; filtering and transforming with each inhale and each exhale. Now begin to inhale deeply through the nose, bringing the breath all the way down into your belly and hold…then release with a long, smooth sigh from your mouth. Again. Inhaling deeply…holding…and then sighing all the air back out of your body.

Now come back to that natural, spontaneous breath. Begin to visualize a silver thread coming from the crown of your head. This thread connects you with universal, benevolent energy and wisdom. Allow the thread to align your spine, focusing on the spaciousness and flow of energy throughout the central channel of your body.  Allow any areas of contraction anywhere in your body to release. Soften your eyes and the space between them…your tongue…jaw…shoulders…chest…hands…belly…legs…and feet. Settle into a state of complete stillness aside from the effortless flow of breath in and through your body.

Start to notice any thoughts or feelings that begin to surface in this quiet space and notice where they come from – either from within or without. Invite these thoughts and feelings up to the very top of your head, to your crown. Here you will convert the thoughts and feelings into a warm, golden, flowing honey. Let this honey pour into the crown of your head and notice the warmth as it flows down behind your eyes…imagining it pleasantly filling your entire head. Perhaps imagine that you can even taste the honey as it passes through the throat. Open and close your mouth and swallow. Feel the honey continuing to flow downward, now warming the heart space. This honey is opening the channel of love here in your heart. Opening you to self-love…universal love…the energy of giving and receiving…as well as compassion. Take a deep cleansing breath into your heart space. On your exhale, the honey spills down into your arms, into your wrists and into each fingertip one by one. Starting to trickle down into the abdomen and lungs, then filling your solar plexus with warmth, activating joy and feelings of self-worth. Notice the honey warming here in your lower belly and beginning to run even more smoothly now. The honey easily making its way down to your sacral…clearing paths for both your pleasure and your creativity. In the base of your spine feel protected and supported, filled with warmth. Honey filling the lower back and overflowing into your hips, thighs, and upper knees. Your kneecaps…

This honey acts as sacred medicine, coating and nourishing each of your energy centers. As it flows, it clears any thoughts or feelings that have become stuck in your body. As it continues to flow into your calves and ankles, you are still breathing effortlessly…

Pay attention now to the arches of your feet and imagine the honey pouring out from the tip of each of your toes and releasing deep, down into the earth. As it flows out, it expands and spreads far and wide under the surface of the earth, connecting you with nourishing earth energy like the roots of a tree. You are as deeply grounded to the earth below as you are connected to the entire cosmos above. Continue focusing on your feet until you sense that every warm drop of honey has flowed into the earth and out of your body. Notice how light your body feels and just surrender to this lightness. Take as many grounded breaths here as you would like, knowing that you can always return to this practice of healing and grounding whenever you choose.

When you feel ready, begin to wiggle your fingers and your toes…stretch… smile…and open your eyes. So sweet.



No one told me…


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