
“May we release the myth of independence and make a declaration to embrace and nourish our interdependence.

May we pledge allegiance to the land, to the waters, to our human and nonhuman kin, to the earth-body we call home.

May we find our house of worship in the trees, the sky, the dirt, the mountains, in our own bodies.

May we find new places of power, shimmering along the edges of what we think is the only way forward.

May we love each other and honor life more than we love guns, oil, money, power, control, or the written word of hungry ghosts.

May we midwife systems of harm to die with grace, and compost them into new ways of caring for each other.

May we honor our grief, make space for deep rest, find pleasure in our pursuit for justice, and ignite transformation with our holy rage”

— Gina Puorro (@gina.puorro)


Grounding Meditation
