EQUINOX Appreciation Post

Notes on the Autumnal Equinox, 2022

For thousands of years, nature has modeled a pattern for us of spiritual reflection and celebration. Whether we know it or not, deep reverence for these seasonal shifts is embedded in our psyche. Looking back over the summer with a spirit of gratitude – for the long light and its warmth, the abundance, the lushness of it – we now have the opportunity to count our blessings and check in to see what we have in our energetic reserves. As the days dwindle down, take inspiration from the natural world that is slowing, settling, and preparing for rest.

REMEMBER: When our habits and spiritual practices are connected to earth, its rhythms, cycles and seasons, we can feel truly alive. Rituals of nature are inclusive of all beliefs and have no religious conflicts.

Rituals are how we connect to that innate knowing in our psyche. Be in tune.

Enjoy this day.


Meditation Technique - Focus on Your Nose


Relationship to Self / Self-Talk