On Self-Inquiry

You can't fulfill your life's dreams if you don't truly understand yourself…

Many of us assume that we know ourselves just because we have lived our entire lives within our bodies. But it's like the neighbor that you grew up next to that you've "known" forever, but with whom you’ve never had an actual conversation. You are familiar with that person, and you probably even say that you know them; but your close proximity doesn’t automatically make that true.

With thy self, as with the neighbor, we can't actually know who we are unless we actively work to learn and to understand. It requires curiosity, dialogue and time to truly understand and to reach the level necessary to form meaningful connection, to grow and to be fulfilled.

Take time, starting now, to get to know yourself better.
You can start with a genuine question like: "how are you doing?” or “what has been the highlight of your day?”

You might as well strike up a similar conversation with that neighbor, too!


JASON WORTHY | Confidence…


When I Started Loving Myself