Make a Grander Gate, Not a Higher Wall

A beautiful Donna Ashworth poem to close the year.
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you can resolve to be better, if you like…

to be fitter,

to eat cleaner,

to work harder.

On the stroke of midnight tonight,

you can resolve to become a whole new you,

if you so choose.

Or, you can take a moment to acknowledge

what you already are.

Because it’s a lot.

You are a lot.

And you deserve to be truly seen.

On the stroke of midnight tonight,

perhaps you could congratulate yourself for coping.

For breaking, again,

for rebuilding, again.

For catching the stones life has thrown at you,

and using them to build your castle

that little bit more beautifully.

And if you have used those stones to block yourself in for the ‘heal’, perhaps you can realign them this year. Make a grander gate, not a higher wall.

You have endured, my friend.

Through times you thought unendurable.

You did.

And I don’t see the need to resolve

to become a whole new you,

when you are already so very much indeed.

Happy New Year.

You made it.

Now let us face another 365 day-turn together,

arms wide…

accepting, embracing and seeing one other,

for all we truly are…

breaks and all.




Last Day of 2023