Golden Glue

Lisa Agnetun Kintsugi Ghosts

Ceramic Kintsugi Ghosts made by Lisa Agnetun

What if I glued myself back together with gold 

What if I loved every fractured fragment that seems too broken to repair 

Every shattered piece that doesn’t appear to fit anywhere

Every hidden crack that I am too ashamed to share 

What if I glued myself back together with gold

What if I shaped my broken pieces into who I want to be 

Forgetting the shoulds and could haves and instead embracing me 

What if I glued my pieces together with gold 

Honoring the cracks and breaks, knowing they are aspects of me to behold 

What if I allowed myself to be real

Letting my heart and soul take the wheel 

What if I trusted my true wholeness

Broken edges smoothed with golden boldness

The broken pieces 

And painful memories 

And shameful stories 

And silenced failures 

All so deserving and worthy of love

Cracks and fractures glued together with gold 

Truly amazing and 

Beautifully blazing

— Clio Chazan-Gabbard


Stories + Insight : Meet Lisa Thrower


The Ego Project: A Podcast