BLACK CAT YOGA: Lisa + Kevin McCormack

Black Cat Yoga is a place of happiness for all who enter. A place for growing, and a place for sharing. A place for music, and a place for laughter. A place for spirituality, and a place for love. A place where all are renewed in each other’s company.

— The McCormacks

In October 2021, just a couple of months after the idea for Subtle-Arts was born, I attended a TGIF Gong Flow at Black Cat Yoga - a Bhakti-inspired Friday evening vinyasa flow followed by a 15-minute Gong meditation. There’s not much that gets me more excited than a Bhakti flow or a sound bath! As I prepared for shavasana, and the class transitioned from a flow to a place of stillness, I was awestruck by the depth of my gratitude and love for this practice, for the space and community of Black Cat, and ultimately, for myself and my ability to experience such beauty within my being. I remember thinking - as I often do - that I wish everyone could experience what I was feeling in that very moment. I left completely determined that Subtle-Arts should interview healers and share their gifts with as many people as possible!

I am SO honored to share Lisa + Kevin McCormick as the first of our healer interviews, especially as we move into February, the month of (self)LOVE. It’s nearly impossible not to feel love for both self and others in the presence of these two.

— Connie

SA: Can you please describe the healing modality (or modalities) that you offer?

BCY: Our studio offers group and private yoga, meditation, sound healing and kirtan practices. In addition to our weekly group classes, we also offer special events and educational opportunities for people who want to deepen their practice or immerse [themselves] in a new experience. Our weekly offerings include relaxing practices like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Meditation; Vinyasa Yoga - a dynamic breath-centered practice which has a soothing effect on all the systems of the body - and the ancient yogic practice of Kirtan, which is call-and-response chanting, often called the "Yoga of the Heart."  

SA: How did you come to this as a practice? And then as a profession?

We discovered the extraordinary benefits of yoga together as a couple about 15 years ago. Our very first practice, although quite challenging, opened our hearts enough to receive and expanded our minds enough to trust the process. Like many people, we started the practice for the physical benefits and soon discovered the rich tapestry of wisdom, energy, connection, and spirituality that expands far beyond the physical postures. Now we count ourselves among the countless numbers of people who have been transformed through a dedicated and devoted lifelong yoga practice. 

It was an unexpected but very natural progression to create our studio, Black Cat Yoga. We like to think of our journey as a love story, a story of two people who are soul and life partners committed to sharing yoga and building a community within which love and compassion flows and thrives. Sharing yoga connects us to our dharma, what gives purpose and brings deep meaning to our lives.  

SA: What is unique about your approach? 

BCY: We didn’t want to be “just another yoga studio” in Jacksonville. Our vision has always been to hold the space for a diverse community to grow and thrive in; to be a safe place where people who are just beginning their yoga journey and long-time practitioners could practice together; to draw upon the rich tapestry of yoga history and ancient wisdom in our teachings; to incorporate mantra, chanting, and sound healing into our classes; and to remain active in continuous study and devoted to our own personal practices.

We are a neighborhood yoga studio.  The intimacy and smaller size of our space allows us the unique opportunity to focus on deeper connections and higher levels of personalized attention with all of our students. But we are very clear that we could not do this alone. We are so grateful to each person who has contributed to the growth, vitality, and nourishment of what we are co-creating here at Black Cat Yoga. 

SA: What would you love people to say about what you offer?

BCY: “Being at Black Cat Yoga feels like home.”

SA: What do you hope to share with the people who practice with you?

BCY: The understanding that there is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken and not in need of “fixing.” Yoga is not a practice of fixing, but rather a practice of revealing what is already there. 

Yoga is for every body. 

The understanding that yoga is so much more than postures or poses. Yoga is a holistic, comprehensive system that is intended to outflow into the moment-to-moment happenings in your life, long after you’ve rolled up your mat. We call this concept “taking your yoga off your mat.” Yoga is a practice of teaching the mind how to be at peace. When the mind can rest in an utter state of stillness and tranquility, the true self is realized. 

But it takes practice, practice, practice! 

Yoga is for life.

SA: Is there a subtle shift or simple practice that you can recommend for others’ healing?

BCY: Breathe. Not just breathe, but BREATHE.

In yoga, breath practices are called Pranayama: “Prana” being the vital energy that flows through the tissues in the body, and “yama” being a way to regulate and control the directional flow.  A very simple pranayama that has immediate calming effects on the nervous system and heart rate is Sama Vritti Pranayama (equal breathing) where the inhales and exhales are consciously regulated to be equal in length and time, using a count of 4.

Inhale slowly to the count of 4…exhale slowly to the count of 4…repeat for a period of 5 minutes. 

In this way, the breath is extended, slow, and controlled.  Not only does it strengthen the “breathing muscles” which expand the lungs, but it anchors the mind in steadiness and promotes feelings of groundedness.

SA: Who are the healers, poets, artists or mental health advocates who inspire you?

BCY: The writings and teachings of Neale Donald Walsch, author of the “Conversations with God” books, have been significant and powerfully influential in our lives. 

However, the people we are most inspired by are the people who keep showing up and doing the work day after day; we are inspired by the small business owners who have held their heads above water during tidal-like waves of change; we are inspired by that person who finds themselves at rock bottom, takes a deep breath, feels a little bit of ease in the moment, and knows that everything will be okay; we are inspired by the person who is afraid and yet goes ahead and does it anyway; and most especially, we are inspired by those people who are out there in the world being kind human beings, choosing to love without condition and without exception. 

Yes, those are the healers we are most inspired by.

SA: Do you have a mentor or guru?

BCY: We receive every person who comes into our lives as a spiritual teacher, each soul having a gift to give and something meaningful to teach us. Om Bolo Shri Satguru Bhagavan Ki Jai! - I honor all the teachings and remember that the teacher within is the highest and most important teacher of them all.


What are you listening to right now?

Kevin: “Maha Mantra” by Bhakti Without Borders
Lisa: “Stay Strong” by David Newman

What are you reading?

Kevin: “The Dalai Lama’s Cat”
Lisa: “Ram Dass – Words of Wisdom”

What is your favorite quote?

Both: “Be here now.”

What is your favorite song?

Kevin: “Mountain Hare” by Krishna Das
Lisa: “Mystic Krishna” by Katie Wise + Bhakti Explosion

What kind of art resonates with you?

Kevin: Music
Lisa: Writing

Favorite way to connect with nature?

Both: Mountains!

Where do you feel most alive?

In our studio, surrounded by our loving and compassionate community.

What is your favorite smell?

Lisa: Orange
Kevin: Coffee

What are your favorite self-care rituals?

Both: Massage, walking in nature, sound healing.

Black Cat Yoga 
1512 King Street
Jacksonville, FL 32204


Self-Love Mantras


CONNIE FORESTNER | Walking Photographer